“O que é um guerreiro da luz?”
“Você sabe”, respondeu ela, sorrindo. “É aquele que
é capaz de entender o milagre da vida, lutar até o final
por algo em que acredita e, então, escutar os sinos que o
mar faz tocar em seu leito.”

Manual do Guerreiro da Luz- Paulo Coelho

“I’m Stefano Malez.

I was born in Turin but my grandparents are refugees who arrived here

in the city after the World War II during the Istrian Exodus.

When I was 19, my life changed completely:

I met Brasilian Jiu-Jitsu.”

“I approached this discipline because I wanted to practice a martial art that would give me much more than just physical wellness.

When you’re used to fighting in the gym with people that can be bigger and stronger you get trained to find a way out of danger and problems,

it becomes an attitude that you apply in every aspect of your life.

That is why I think it is essential to practice.”

“One day at the end of a class at our gym, Gracie Barra Torino,

a teammate of mine, Luana, taught a yoga class for all of us wrestlers.

That was the first time I encountered this discipline.

I immediately felt a very good feeling that made me want to try it again.

From there in a few months I found myself practicing it every day, I felt that it complemented my Brasilian Jiu-Jitsu practice very well both on a physical level giving me flexibility, balance, coordination, strength, and on a mental level.

I began to listen and feel that at the end of each practice I was different:

I had another awareness of myself and the world around me.”

“Your mindset changes radically: calmness, self-confidence, courage and resilience are just some of the values that this discipline has given me.”

“I barely never stopped until today, almost 10 years now.

There have actually been periods in life when I put the practice aside and each time I stopped doing it I understood more and more why I needed to do it.

My mind is very unstable and always has been, only the constant practice of yoga has given me a balance and center that nothing else has.

I believe I’m very far from what a true yogi is, but within myself I recognize the value of this philosophy of life and fully embrace it.

I believe constancy is the key.”

“These are values that I also try to teach to my sons, Ian and Santiago.

They are two fantastic children.

The older one practices wrestling, I wanted to introduce him to this sport from a very young age because I think learning to defend themselves is a very important thing for every child.

I am aware that I won’t always be there by my children’s side to be able to defend them from all the pitfalls in the world, so what I want to do is to make sure that they are prepared to face them on their own.”

“The night of 24-25 November 2021, was one of the most beautiful nights of my life.

I received my Black Belt from my master, Enrico Da Ros, and that same night my second baby Ian was born.

In just a few hours two of the most important events of my entire life have happened.”

I want to thank Stefano and his family


Gracie Barra Torino academy

A.S.D. Taekwondo Athletic School Tigullio

Produced in partnership with ICP Photography NY